Pakri islands – scenic nature with a lot to discover


Pakri islands are situated on the Estonian north-western shore at a 2–3 km’s distance from Paldiski. The main islands Suur-Pakri (11.7 km2) and Väike-Pakri (12.9 km2) have their names turned around. Suur-Pakri (“Big Pakri”) is actually smaller than Väike-Pakri (“Small Pakri”). It is thought that Suur-Pakri had more inhabitants when the names were given, and better farmlands. The islands are currently joined by an embankment stretching across the islets with a bridge reconstructed in 2012 at the Väike-Pakri end.

The Pakri islands have exceptionally beautiful nature, preserved thanks to their isolation by the Soviet army. The limestone plateau, the fascinating cliff shore, the coastal Swedish cultural heritage and different military structures offer something to see for every visitor.

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